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Bases: CommandGroupBase

This command group contains functions for working with SiPH applications. You are not meant to instantiate this class directly. Access it via the siph attribute of the SentioProber class.


Perform fast fiber alignment.


Get the capacitance sensor value.

:raises: ProberException if an error occured. :return: A tuple with the values from the capacity sensors of probe 1 and probe 2.


Get the current intensity value.

:raises: ProberException if an error occured. :returns: The intensity value.

Execute SiPh gradient search.

:raises: ProberException if an error occured.


Move SiPh probe to hover height.

:param probe: The probe on which the SiPh probe is mounted. :raises: ProberException if an error occured.


Move SiPh probe to separation height.

:param probe: The probe on which the SiPh probe is mounted. :raises: ProberException if an error occured.

handler: python options: members: SiPHCommandGroup