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Bases: ModuleCommandGroupBase

This class represents the SENTIO command group for wafermap related commands. You are not meant to instantiate objects of this class directly! This class is instantiated by the prober implementation.


from sentio_prober_control.Sentio.ProberSentio import SentioProber
from sentio_prober_control.Communication.CommunicatorTcpIp import CommunicatorTcpIp

prober = SentioProber(CommunicatorTcpIp.create(""))


Name Type Description
bins WafermapBinsCommandGroup

Command group with functions for setting up binning tables.

die WafermapDieCommandGroup

A group to set up specific dies on the wafermap (add/remove them).

path WafermapPathCommandGroup

A group to set up test paths.

poi WafermapPoiCommandGroup

A group to set up points of interest.

subsites WafermapSubsiteGroup

A group to set up subsites.

bin_step_next_die(bin_value, site=None)

Bin the current die and step to the naxt die.

This command wraps the "map:bin_step_next_die" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
bin_value int

The bin value to set for the current die.

site int

The subsite index of the next die to move to. Defaults to None. By default the current subsite is retained.



Name Type Description
columns int

The column index of the die after stepping

rows int

The row index of the die after stepping

subsite int

The subsite index of the die after stepping


Create a new round wafer map.

Wraps Sentios "map:create" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
diameter float

The diameter of the wafer.


create_rect(cols, rows)

Create a new rectangular wafer map.

Wraps Sentios "map:create_rect" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
cols int

The number of columns.

rows int

The number of rows.



Returns true if the die reference offset is set.

In simple terms the die reference offset is the distance of site 0 from the lower left corner of the die. This position defines where the die is located with respect to the die in particular and the wafer map grid in extension.

When the chuck is at site 0 and the probe card is properly in contact at the home position, then the die reference offset is the distance between a user defined reference tip of the probe card and the lower left corner of the die.

Without a properly trained die reference position SENTIO is unable to accurately deterine the die coordinates from a chuck position. Most of the time this is not a problem.

When a die reference is trained Sentio will use the die reference offset to calculate the die coordinates of the die which is under the reference tip of the probe card. The reference tip can be any tip of the probe card.

Wraps Sentios "map:get_prop die_reference_is_set" remote command.


Type Description

True if the die reference offset is set.


Returns True if the last stepping command reached the end of the route.

The end of route flag is checked and set by the stepping commands. They will evaluate and parse the end of route status from the remote command response and internally set this flag.

Calling the function is only usefull after a step command was issued.


Type Description

True if the last step command reached the end of the route.


Get axis orientation of the wafer map.

Wraps Sentios "map:get_axis_orient" remote command.


Type Description

The axis orientation.


Get diameter of the wafer map im millimeter.

Wraps Sentios "map:get_diameter" remote command.


Type Description

The diameter of the wafer map in millimeter.


Get the die reference offset.

In simple terms the die reference offset is the distance of site 0 from the lower left corner of the die. This position defines where the die is located with respect to the die in particular and the wafer map grid in extension.

When the chuck is at site 0 and the probe card is properly in contact at the home position, then the die reference offset is the distance between a user defined reference tip of the probe card and the lower left corner of the die.

Without a properly trained die reference position SENTIO is unable to accurately deterine the die coordinates from a chuck position. Most of the time this is not a problem.

When a die reference is trained Sentio will use the die reference offset to calculate the die coordinates of the die which is under the reference tip of the probe card. The reference tip can be any tip of the probe card.

Wraps SENTIO's "map:get_prop die_reference" remote command.


Type Description
Tuple[float, float]

A tuple with the x and y offset in micrometer.


Returns the sequence number of the current die.

The sequence number id the index of the die in the current stepping sequence. The stepping sequence contains the dies selected for test. The sequence number is zero based and is also displayed in the wafermap when zoomin into a die.

Wraps Sentios "map:get_die_seq" remote command.


Type Description

The sequence number of the current die.


Get origin of the wafermap grid.

Wraps Sentios "map:get_grid_origin" remote command.


Type Description
Tuple[int, int]

A tuple with the column and row indices of the origin.


Return the die size set up in the wafer map.


Type Description
Tuple[float, float]

A tuple with the die width and height in micrometer.


Returns the number of dies in the wafer map.


Name Type Description Default
selection DieNumber

The selection of dies to count.



Type Description

The number of dies.


Returns the street size set up in the wafer map.

In SENTIO the street size is merely a visual aid. It is not used for any calculations. The only purpose is rendering the diese in a more realistic manner.


Type Description
Tuple[int, int]

A tuple with the street width and height in micrometer.


Set the acis orientation of the custom coordinate system.

SENTIO's internal coordinate system is placing the origin at the center of the wafer and assumes the y-axis is pointing upwards and the x-axis is pointing to the right. With this command you can change the orientation of the coordinate system.

Wraps Sentios "map:set_axis_orient" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
orient AxisOrient

The axis orientation.



Set color scheme of the wafermap.

The wafermap colorscheme determines how dies are colored. The only two options are color from bin or color from value. The first one will use the binning table to color the die the second one will apply a color scale based on a numeric value associated with the die. (Each die can have a singe temporary numerical value assigned to it.)

Wraps Sentios "map:set_color_scheme" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
scheme ColorScheme

The color scheme.


set_flat_params(angle, width)

Set the flat parameters of the wafer map.

Sets the parameters of the flat wafer orientation marker for display in the wafermap.


Name Type Description Default
angle float

The angle of the flat in degrees.

width float

The width of the flat in micrometer.


set_grid_origin(x, y)

Set a user defined grid origin.

SENTIO's internal coordinate system is placing the origin at the center of the wafer and assumes the y-axis is pointing upwards and the x-axis is pointing to the right. You may want to use a custom coordinate system for your wafermap. Coordinates with customized grid origin are referred to as custom coordinates.

Wraps Sentios "map:set_grid_origin" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
x int

The x coordinate of the grid origin in SENTIO's native grid coordinate system.

y int

The y coordinate of the grid origin in SENTIO's native grid coordinate system.


set_grid_params(ix, iy, offx, offy, edge)

Set wafermap grid parameters. This function defines the wafermapo grid layout which means setting the size of a die. Setting the grid offset and the size of the edge exclusion zone.

By default SENTIO assumes that the grid is oriented in a way that the center of the wafer grid is exactly at the lower left corner of the die located in the center. This would therefore also be the position of site 0.

It is not recommended to set the grid offset to 0,0 because this may pose problems when computing the current die index from a chuck position. Due to inaccuracies in the chuck motion the computation may end up in the wrong die because with grid offset of 0,0 this position is at the edge of 4 dies.

It is recommended to either determine the correct value of the die reference offset or to use half the die size as grid offset.

Wraps Sentios "map:set_grid_params" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
ix float

The width of a single die in micrometer.

iy float

The height of a single die in micrometer.

offx float

The x offset of the grid in micrometer.

offy float

The y offset of the grid in micrometer.

edge int

The size of the edge exclusion zone in micrometer.


set_home_die(x, y)

" Sets the home die coordinates in custom coordinates.

Wraps Sentios "map:set_home_die" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
x int

The x coordinate of the home die in custom coordinates.

y int

The y coordinate of the home die in custom coordinates.


set_index_size(x, y)

Set the size of a die.

Wraps Sentios "map:set_index_size" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
x float

The width of the die in micrometer.

y float

The height of the die in micrometer.


set_street_size(x, y)

Set size of streetlines.

In SENTIO the street size is merely a visual aid. It is not used for any calculations. The only purpose is rendering the diese in a more realistic manner.


Name Type Description Default
x float

The width of the street in micrometer.

y float

The height of the street in micrometer.


step_die(col, row, site=0)

Step to a specific die (or subsite) which is identified by its column, row and subsite number.

When the stepping command is issued on the last die of the route, the end of route flag is set and can be queried with the end_of_route member function.

Wraps Sentios "map:step_die" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
col int

The column index of the die.

row int

The row index of the die.

site int

The subsite index of the die. Defaults to 0.



Type Description
Tuple[int, int, int]

A tuple with the column, row and site index representing the position after the step command.

step_die_seq(seq, site)

Step to a specific die in the stepping sequence.

Wraps Sentios "map:step_die_seq" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
seq int

The sequence number of the die to step to.

site int

The subsite index of the die.



Type Description
Tuple[int, int, int]

A tuple with the column, row and site index representing the position after the step command.


Step to the first die in the stepping sequence.

Wraps Sentios "map:step_first_die" remote command.


Name Type Description Default
site int | None

The subsite index of the die. If omitted SENTIO will step to the first active site.



Type Description
Tuple[int, int, int]

A tuple with the column, row and site index representing the position after the step command.


Step to the next die in the stepping sequence.

Sentio will stay on the current subsite.


Type Description
Tuple[int, int, int]

A tuple with the column, row and site index representing the position after the step command.